
Second First Steps

“二次第一步”项目(“Second First Steps”)的灵感来自于韩国国家队准射手朴俊博收到的一封信。十年前,他在一场车祸中失去了行走的能力,自此之后便需要依赖轮椅移动。专门研究可穿戴机器技术(H-MEX)的现代汽车集团机器人技术公司,秉持着“科技造福人类”的想法,希望能运用研发出来的人工智能和先进技术让他重新回到过去的美好时光。因此,他人生第二次的第一步成为了现代集团的首次“第一步”。现代集团运用高科技支撑起他,让他可以再次行走。为了重新定义残疾并帮助人们挑战原本认知里的不可能,现代集团的这一使命在这个项目中着重体现出来。全球对朴俊博的故事短片做出了热烈的反响之后,该电影的故事打动了全世界的人们和各大媒体,该公司已经着手下一步计划工作,在国际上启动该项目。

The “Second First Steps” project was inspired by a letter received from Jun-Beom Park, a para-archer of the Korean National Team. Ten years earlier he had lost the ability to walk in a car accident and has been in a wheelchair ever since. Hyundai Motor Group Robotics, which is specialising in wearable robotics (H-MEX) and focusing on “Technology for Humans”, had the idea to give back the quality time he missed the most by using their research and development of intelligent technologies. Thus, Jun-Beom Park’s second first step became the “first” first step for Hyundai. The company had managed to support the athlete so that he could stand up and walk again supported by technology. To redefine disabilities and help people rise up to the impossible – this mission by Hyundai is emphatically visualised in the campaign. After an overwhelming global response to Jun-Beom Park’s filmed story, which touched people and the media around the world, the company is already working on the next steps and launched the project internationally.

Hyundai Motor Company, Seoul, South Korea韩国
Innocean Worldwide, Seoul, South Korea韩国
项目团队Project Team:
Kiyoung Kim (Executive Creative Director创意主管)
Hyunsuk Lee (Manager经理人)
Saemi Shin (Senior Manager高级经理)
Daeyoung Eum (Copywriter文案)
Hyunchul Lim (Copywriter文案)
Moonhwi Lee (Copywriter文案)
Gahee Park (Creative Coordinator创意协调)
Gye Eun Chang (Account Management客户管理)
Bo Kyung Kim (Account Management客户管理)


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