

RED IN COMMON是一款旨在消除种族主义并鼓励义务献血的纸牌游戏。一旦有新病毒出现,世界很快将会面临一些问题。首先,新病毒可能成为种族主义的催化剂,因为无法确切了解事态的焦虑会削弱人们的判断力,让他们倾向采用二分法作为生存策略,将自己与他人区分开。其次,根据新病毒可能的特性,短期内血液短缺问题可能会突然出现,这使推广主动献血变得非常重要。若想获得游戏胜利,需要获得所有颜色的纸牌,在过程中,游戏会以轻松的方式让玩家认识以上两个问题并树立正确的观点。牌组中包含黑、白、黄牌各十张(用于代表不同种族),它们放在代表血液和血型的红卡的对面,这也是联系世界上所有人的纽带。无论是出于教育目的还是为了在排队献血时打发时间,人们都可以轻松得玩这款精心构思的游戏。

“RED IN COMMON” is a card game which aims to eliminate racism and encourage blood donation at the same time. With the emergence of a new virus, the world can quickly be faced with several problems. First, the virus can become a catalyst for racism, as the anxiety of not knowing what is happening exactly can diminish people’s judgment, while the dichotomous act of distinguishing oneself from others can easily be mistaken as a means of survival. Second, depending on the virus, the problem of sudden blood shortage can surface, making active blood donation and its promotion an important step. This game aims to recognise both of these problems and establish correct values in an easy way by making the cards of all colours necessary for winning. Ten cards each in black, white and yellow – the colours used to distinguish races – stand opposite the red cards symbolising blood and blood types, and thus what connects all people worldwide with one another. The well-thought-out game can be played for educational purposes or while waiting for a blood donation.

Hyewon Han, Seoul, South Korea韩国
Hyewon Han, Seoul, South Korea韩国


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